Inspection maintenance allows you to view the history of any inspection submitted by any person. It will always default to loading by the most recent date, but you do have the ability to customize how you view it.
General overview of the already submitted inspections:
Inspection Name - Name of inspection/type of inspection you are doing
Company - Company inspection is associated with
Location - Not necessary
Date Created - Date inspection is initially created, (typically will be the same as inspection date, but not always) You can make an inspection for a user, so the date you make it is the date you will see here.
Inspection Date - Date the inspection is physically completed,
Last updated - This is going to reflect when any update is completed
Last sent - this is the submission date, if this date reflects a different date than the last updated column, then it likely needs to be reviewed and re-submitted.
View - this is where you can view the actual inspection, you will see the observations that were mentioned in the inspection. You can also download it here.
Edit - where you can make changes to the inspection. Only two things you cannot edit are the input mode and the inspection list.
Delete - Where you can delete the inspection if it's needed. ONLY IF IT'S NEEDED. We hard delete in SR so we cannot recover once it’s deleted
We have four types of Inspections:
There are four different types of inspections we can run:
New Standard - A new standard Inspection is a one off inspection, used in an individual instance.
Safety Reports refers to this inspection as a “One and Go” inspection, but if you return to this site, you can reuse this inspection by selecting the option: Repeat Existing Job
New Perpetual - A new perpetual job is one that will stay on the homepage, it will not go away, it will always be there with a new copy to use.
This Inspection Type is used mostly for sub users. After this inspection is submitted, the same inspection will automatically regenerate on the user account and will be ready the next time an inspection is needed at that location.
Perpetual Jobs/Inspections can be submitted several times in the same day or as needed.
New Reoccurring - A new Reoccurring job is where you can set up a specific interval for the inspection to appear in the mobile app as a new instance of it.
This Inspection Type can be set up to reoccur Daily/Weekly or Monthly/Yearly
You can enter the Start and End Date, select the Days or Months, or a Day and Time then it will generate automatically according to the settings you’ve placed.
Once you have it set up the submitted job will repeat on the date/time you have elected with a brand new copy.
Repeat Existing Job - Repeating an existing job is going to allow you to go through the history of inspections/jobs that you've submitted and select one that was already used in order to use it again.
Author: Sarah Arnold